Diigo Bookmarks 05/20/2012
CSS generated content and screen readers | 456 Berea Street
"several screen readers will speak content that is created this way. VoiceOver does (in both OS X and iOS). NVDA does when used with Firefox, though not with IE."
"Really short answer: SASS"
5 Useful CSS Tricks for Responsive Design
"Today I'm going to share 5 of my commonly used CSS tricks along with sample cases for coding responsive designs."
Diving Into CSS Regions | Nettuts+
"CSS Regions can let developers and designers offer a more improved experience on the web, especially on mobile/tablet devices."
RESS: An Evolution of Responsive Web Design
"Responsive web design has become an important tool for front-end developers as they develop mobile-optimized solutions for clients. Browser-detection has been an important tool for server-side develope"
Near-space flight experience, Inbloon
"We live in a globalized world. How often do we have the chance to see it as a globe? Imagine a place where creation becomes real."