Diigo Bookmarks 05/05/2012
Text masking -- The standards way | Lea Verou
"We have had a standards compliant alternative for this for the past 11 years and it's called SVG. It can also do much more than masking, if you give it a chance."
Accessible Client-side Form Validation with HTML5
"Connecting labels to inputs is easy! But what about required fields, error messages, and keyboard focus?"
"A11yBuzz is not a free-for-all. All submitted links must be approved by a human before they're displayed."
Data Points: How We Use Our Mobiles | Adweek
"Context is everything. Some mobile habits overlap, but there are significant differences in how consumers use their tablets and smartphones which marketers need to understand to effectively use the devices."
Stubbornella » Blog Archive » Cross-Browser Debugging CSS
"The most important thing to keep in mind is that error behavior is not defined in the spec."
Opera? Has the fat lady already sung about prefixes? - KevinjohnGallagher.com
"Out of the top 18000 websites, only 15 sites used both the Opera and Webkit vendor prefix, while a staggering 9129 websites only used the -webkit prefix. 66.01% of websites in the top 18000 won't display the same in both Opera and webkit even though both support the code to do so."