Diigo Bookmarks 04/29/2012
Eric's Archived Thoughts: Linear Gradient Keywords
"Linear gradients in CSS can lead to all kinds of wacky, wacky results--some of them, it sometimes seems, in the syntax itself."
Building with Content Choreography
"Also if a mobile browser can't recognise flexbox (IE9 Mobile is the only major one missing from the list so I'm assuming it can't), then it will simply fallback to the default document order which isn't the worst outcome."
Build a responsive site in a week: going further (part 5) | Tutorial | .net magazine
"Fragmentation around the Android platform makes it difficult to suggest one particular version you should test on, but if a site works on 2.1 (Eclair) then it will likely work on later versions. Be sure to install Opera Mini on these devices and test on this too."
Ethan Marcotte answers your responsive web design questions | Interview | .net magazine
"I'm a big fan of percentage-based measurements for horizontal margins and padding, and ems for their vertical equivalents."
The state of responsive images | Feature | .net magazine
"As a result of working closely with members of the Opera and Chrome developer relations teams throughout this process, the <picture> markup pattern has been presented to both teams by way of what I'm half-jokingly calling a "pseudospec"."
CSS3 Structural Pseudo-class Expressions Explained | Impressive Webs
"The expressions, on the other hand, are a little more complicated, but not too bad once you mess around with them a little."