Diigo Bookmarks 01/15/2012
Inclusive Design - Smashing UX Design | Smashing UX Design
"The next stage of evolution for our industry is to explore how to make our applications and products more inclusive, taking into account the vast spectrum of differences in our audience, and to make our interfaces smarter so that they serve a wider range of people more effectively."
Responsive Data Table Roundup | CSS-Tricks
"There has been a bunch of takes on responsive data tables since I first published about it."
"Welcome to Android Design, your place for learning how to design exceptional Android apps. "
W3Clove :: site-wide markup validation tool
"Validate the HTML markup of your whole website with just one click."
WCAG 2.0 Techniques for PDF « Adobe Accessibility
"The table below provides a listing of the WCAG level A and AA success criteria and the PDF-specific and General techniques that authors can employ to meet success criteria."
Insync - Sync your life with Google Docs
"Insync syncs your Google Docs across your devices."