Diigo Bookmarks 01/14/2012
Controlling Selection with CSS user-select - IEBlog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
"IE10 Platform Preview 4 includes support for a new CSS property, -ms-user-select, which makes it easier for Web developers to control exactly what text can be selected on their Web sites."
Server-side device detection used by 82% of Alexa top 100 sites | mobiForge
"while the blogosphere is full of lively debate about new methods of achieving mobile adaptation using JavaScript, progressive enhancement and media queries, the data show that the giants in the web arena are using server-side device detection techniques to achieve this goal."
Bruce Lawson's personal site : Reading List - Vendor prefixes, mobile, monoculture
" I believe vendor prefixes were a good idea, and remain so if used in a cross-browser, future-proof way. But because so many people only use the -webkit- one, I'm starting to wonder too if vendor prefixes should be considered harmful..."
Adactio: Journal--Media queries and multiple columns
"One of the areas where I've found height-based media queries to be quite handy is in combination with another CSS3 module: multiple columns."
Ignorance is the Enemy | Karl Groves
"In July of 2010 I left SSB BART Group to work for Deque Systems. Preety Kumar made me an offer I couldn't refuse: an opportunity to create & deliver training to Deque customers." ......なるほどー(そこかよ
Web Accessibility Myths 2011 part 2
"In today's part two, I'm going to cover ten more important myths, around audience, personalisation, assistive technology use, and mobile website use, which also need puncturing for us to be more effective."