Diigo Bookmarks 12/23/2011
The year in Pictures: Part II - The Big Picture - Boston.com
"The second collection of images from 2011 once again brought us nature at its full force with floods, drought, wild fires, tornadoes and spectacular images of volcanic eruptions."
Stuff you can do with the "Checkbox Hack" | CSS-Tricks
"The "Checkbox Hack" is where you use a connected label and checkbox input and usually some other element you are trying to control"
Support Vs Optimization | Brad Frost Web
"For time and budget reasons, we can’t make the best experience ever for every connected device, but we have a responsibility to provide a decent experience to those who wish to interact with our products and services."
Position: fixed revisited - QuirksBlog
"Now that iOS, Android, and BlackBerry all have a new implementation of position: fixed let’s see what changed since the last time we looked."
The output element | HTML5 Doctor
"The good news is that all modern browsers support the <output> element to some extent. The bad news is that there are still a few gotchas."
Create the perfect favicon | Feature | .net magazine
"This is an edited excerpt from Chapter 3 of The Icon Handbook by Jon Hicks."