Diigo Bookmarks 12/10/2011
APOD: 2011 December 9 - Eclipsed Moon in the Morning
"This morning twilight view of another lunar eclipse approaching its total phase at moonset was captured in 2008 on February 21, from the Zagros Mountains of Iran. "
Moving to Standards-based Web Graphics in IE10 - IEBlog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
"This post expands the list of removed legacy features to include two more: Vector Markup Language (VML) and DirectX-based Filters and Transitions."
The Hidden Nuggets of WCAG2: When Not to Use ALT Attributes ? SitePoint
"So, just when should you not use an ALT attribute? Short answer: never."
The History of HTML5 | Nettuts+
"This is that article you generally skip over. It’s the one where I don’t detail an ounce of code, but instead describe the important events that lead to what you now recognize as HTML5."
Bruce Lawson’s personal site? : Notes on Adaptive Images (yet again!)
"I prefer the media queries to be in the HTML for two reasons: you don’t need to have ids or complex selectors to target a particular image, and (more importantly) many content authors use a CMS and have no ability to edit the CSS. (Although the nasty <style scoped> could solve this.)"
iOS 5 Safari Bugs: Trio of Test Cases - zachstronaut