Diigo Bookmarks 11/23/2011
"FireAlpaca is the image editor that can be used readily and easily."
Preferred solutions for responsive images ? Cloud Four
"In September, Scott Jehl proposed a solution that might be fairly easy for browser makers to implement in the short run: adding a preparse attribute to the script tag."
LukeW | When People Use Different Devices
"The only thing we can tell for certain is that different devices are used at different times throughout the day. Environment may be the primary reason for that but this data doesn't definitively tell us that."
Adding Personality with CSS3 Transitions and Animations - IEBlog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
"same markup except for the vendor prefix"というのは、マークアップとスタイル付けをごっちゃにしているようで好きくないです。
Seven Mistakes That Make Websites Slow ? SitePoint
"Not so long ago, eight seconds was cited as a tipping point beyond which users would abandon a website. Then it was six seconds. Then four. Now, the rule of thumb is two seconds. The bar is high, and it’s rising all the time."
"iWebInspector is a free tool to debug, profile and inspect web applications running on iOS Simulator (iPhone or iPad)."
Latest ARIA landmark support data | The Paciello Group Blog
"VoiceOver supports all landmarks except “form”."