Diigo Bookmarks 10/28/2011
Interview: Filament Group on HTML5 and Design - W3C Blog
"There needs to be a better way to style native widgets. For instance input/range is often rendered as a slider. But a lot of the time the sliders have no labels, and the look very different across browsers."
W3C/WAI WCAG 2.0 PAS Explanatory Report
"This document presents the W3C/WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 (editors Ben Caldwell, Michael Cooper, Gregg Vanderheiden, Loretta Guarino-Reid, W3C (MIT, ERCIM, Keio), 2008) being submitted by W3C for JTC 1 PAS transposition into an ISO/IEC International Standard."
Five Questions with Paul Irish | CSS-Tricks
"our pain isn't standards compliance and developer pain with IE's new releases, it's dealing with many versions of IE to design our experiences, QA against, and deal with for years after their launch."
Opera's Developer Relations Team - Bruce's Fronteers presentation: HTML5 Semantics
"As well as looking at some of the new semantics, I wonder whether we need more than the current spec allows, then wonder whether semantics matter anyway (tl,dr: yes, they do) and suggest that, if you're just squirting obfuscated JavaScript down a line with no real semantics, and targetting one single rendering engine, you're really just reinventing Flash but with the browser as the plugin."
iOS 5 for Web Devs: Safari Mobile Updates
"The purpose of this article is to provide as comprehensive of a change log as possible for Mobile Safari 5.0 to 5.1."
Raven for Mac - The Smart Browser
"Raven leverages a technique called site specific browsing to create a dedicated web browsing instance for each one of your favorite web apps."