"The only way to use block level links without causing any issues at all for screen readers seems to be to make sure the a element only contains a single block level element and no inline text."
"I believe that native application development is only a temporary stop-gap solution, but both Jeremy and I agree that progress towards the One Web shouldn't prevent you from building native applications for the time being."
"Always start with the question “What is this person trying to do?”, not “What can we do with this device?”."
"So browsers match from the right; it gives an obvious starting point and lets you get rid of most of the candidate selectors very quickly."
"The two other possible values for background size are the keywords contain and cover."
"Kickoff offers human-sized structures the tools they need to keep everyone involved in an easy way. Centralizing your project data is fast, secure and completely integrated to your Mac environment."
"Polish and refine the user experience of Opera desktop rather than adding more new features. There are enough good features already, they just need to be made useful and look good."