My basic point is that it should be the content that dictates the media queries.
"The process of developing HTML5 needs to become less political, real experts need to have the final say, personal insults must stop, and tool/AT vendors need to be equal partners in the process."
"Fixing them may not be trivial, but it’s odd that no browser (at least not that I am aware of) makes it easy, or even possible, for keyboard-only users to access content in title attributes."
"A recent decision by the W3C HTML working group has caused much discussion and some consternation within the accessibility community and wider web development community."
"「Ruby Reader」は、わずかな英語力でもネット上の英語ニュースなどをスラスラ読み解けるように考慮して作られた英文翻訳速読ツールです。"