Daily Posting 12/18/2010
AppMakr :: iPhone App Maker | Make your own iPhone App | Free iPhone App Maker
"AppMakr or "App Maker" enables anyone to build rich content based apps using a point and click solution."
"Have you considered downloading YouTube videos to your Mac? Do you want to build a YouTube library on your Mac for free? Wondershare Free YouTube Downloader for Mac provides a convenient and totally free solution on this."
delicious blog ? What’s Next for Delicious?
"No, we are not shutting down Delicious. While we have determined that there is not a strategic fit at Yahoo!, we believe there is a ideal home for Delicious outside of the company where it can be resourced to the level where it can be competitive."
"In short, you can do (almost) everything on Diigo that you can do on delicious.com, plus more."