"CMS.txt is a free, open-source, 6kb content management system which allows you to easily manage web pages."
"DateLine is a small, simple app which displays a linear calendar on your desktop in a transparent window. It provides easy access to iCal by double clicking on a day. The background and text colors are customizable with support for transparency."
"Never miss a hot track again. Peel is an MP3 blog reader and player rolled into one. Subscribe and stream music the minute it becomes available!"
"A new 3D CSS Visual Effects demo using pure HTML, WebKit’s 3D CSS Effects extensions and JavaScript."
"What's the problem? The organization with the primary responsibility for taking the web forward has two competing sets of activities. There's the browser-centric work - this includes HTML5, CSS, and the Rich Web Client Activity (HTML DOM stuff, Widgets, XMLHTTPRequest etc.). Then there's the web-centric work - this includes XML, XPath, Xinclude, XML Schema, RDF, OWL, etc. And while these sets of activities could be designed to dovetail together, the browser-centric work seems to be ignoring the rest of the work."
"The first public Editors Draft of RDFa for HTML5 was published earlier today."
"人類初の月着陸から40周年を記念して、7月21日(火)まで(ただし開催は金土日および祝日のみ)、銀座のニコラス・G・ハイエックセンター14階 シテ・ドゥ・タン銀座にて、「オメガ スピードマスター月着陸40周年記念エキシビション」が開催されている。"買えないけど行きたい!