"Redesigning Mozilla.org to be a worthy showcase of what Mozilla stands for is an exciting project."
"AlertThingy v3 brings the very latest updates from your favourite social networks direct to your desktop. Plus send Tweets, update your Facebook status, upload photos to Flickr, post to Tumblr and more."
"Twenty years ago this month, something happened at CERN that would change the world forever: Tim Berners-Lee handed a document to his supervisor Mike Sendall entitled "Information Management : a Proposal". "Vague, but exciting" is how Mike described it, and he gave Tim the nod to take his proposal forward. The following year, the World Wide Web was born."
"Unfortunately I cannot set your wallpaper automatically. BELIEVE ME - THERE’S NOTHING I WOULD LOVE TO DO MORE! Apple has not allowed that level of system control in the SDK."