"A brief demo and discussion of why HTML headings are so important for screenreader users."
"Glims adds a cocktail of features to Safari ( Tabs, Thumbnails, Full Screen, Search Engines, Search Suggestions, Type Ahead ... )"
"In the conclusion of Aurora, the browser goes home, moving to a large-scale, gestural interface."
"It may have been a mere warning, but it made a lot, lot, lot of people anxious and upset. So, by popular demand â?? and also because the XHTML working group are preparing a revised note on XHTML and media types â??ã??the warning is gone. "
"iPhone/iPod touch に搭載されている Safari は機能が限定されていますが、ブックマークレットを活用することで結構便利になります。いろいろ調べてみたら結構な数になったので、まとめて書いておきます。"
"We were aware of and had allowed for a thrust transient, but did not expect it to last that long. As it turned out, a very small increase in the time between commanding main engine shutdown and stage separation would have been enough to save the mission."追突の瞬間の映像は衝撃的。