Raindrop.io Bookmarks 12/30/2024
- datalists are more powerful than you think - HTMHell
"Depending on the context, having pre-defined values can possibly speed up the form filling by users. Please, note that <datalist> should be seen as a progressive enhancement because of some points"
- Responsive Web DesignCover page
"Learn how to think beyond the desktop, and craft designs that respond to your users' needs. In the second edition, Ethan Marcotte expands on the design principles behind fluid grids, flexible images, and media queries."
- What is it like to use a screen reader on an inaccessible website? - craigabbott.co.uk
"Now, lets imagine some dynamic content. Whilst you're scanning the room with the torch, there's a whole bunch of people moving the furniture around in the dark when your focus is on something else."
- Putting AI to the (Accessibility) Test - TPGi
"What about AI's capability to help with testing for accessibility? Over the past few months, I've been incorporating generative AI into my workflow as a blind Accessibility Engineer here at TPGi and there are three vital ways it has provided me great aid."
- calc-size() and interpolate size | 12 Days of Web
"Animating to or from height: auto has been something front-end developers have had on their wishlist for a very long time, and now, not only can we do that very easily, but there are new possibilities that have opened up on top of that as well, all thanks to two new CSS features"
- 9 Key Accessibility Laws for Mobile Apps: What You Need to Know | Blog
"My article provides a clear overview of major accessibility regulations, including the European Accessibility Act (EAA), ADA (United States), AODA (Canada), and more. We'll also cover how WCAG guidelines fit into these frameworks and why conducting early audits is essential for avoiding costly retrofits later."
- A Friendly Introduction to Container Queries • Josh W. Comeau
"The Containment API, released a few years ago, allows us to specify that certain slices of the DOM are self-contained, and won't leak out and affect other parts of the DOM."