Raindrop.io Bookmarks 11/29/2024
- My 3 most-wanted CSS table features - Darin Senneff
"The <table> element is one of the oldest and most-common elements on the web. But it's also been long overlooked in terms of receiving new CSS features and quality-of-life improvements, unlike other elements that tend to get more love and attention."
- A Framework for Evaluating Browser Support • Josh W. Comeau
"My mom would have been thrilled if I came home with 93% on my report card. But is it actually sufficient when we're talking about browser support levels?"
- The root causes for the dev-design mismatch | by Erez Reznikov | Nov, 2024 | UX Collective
"The right tool will have to be built for a collaboration. A true collaboration, not a handoff. With developers, because complex products (which will be the vast majority) need them. There's no avoiding that with dreams of magic AI fairy dust and no-code, no-dev narrow builders, empowering as they may seem."
- Adactio: Journal--Going Offline is online ...for free
"I wrote a book about service workers. It's called Going Offline. It was first published by A Book Apart in 2018. Now it's available to read for free online."
- Here we go again...is Chrome "the new IE"?
"The bottom line is that I don't think any of the modern browser engines is "the new IE" and anyone who tells you otherwise has revisionist history or is trying to sell you something."
- CMA publishes provisional findings in Mobile Browsers and Cloud Gaming market investigation - GOV.UK
"The group has provisionally found that Apple's rules restrict other competitors from being able to deliver new, innovative features that could benefit consumers."