Raindrop.io Bookmarks 11/24/2024
- Solved By CSS: Donuts Scopes | CSS-Tricks
"This isn't a new problem -- Nicole Sullivan described it way back in 2011! The main problem is writing CSS so that it doesn't affect the content, and she accurately coined it as donut scoping."
- Avoid Read-only Controls -- Adrian Roselli
"In short, if you think read-only controls are a hassle to style and script and properly expose, imagine how much of a hassle they are to use. Probably avoid them."
- Old alt text advice - HTML Accessibility
"I originally wrote this advice between 2010-2014 for the HTML5 specification with help from Laura Carlson and others. I still refer to it and decided it needed an update and a new home."
- Patrick - State of CSS and State of HTML 2024
"Designers are seeing that CSS has gotten so many features that let you be creative on the web, but also that let you design specifically for the web, that they're feeling held back by their design tools that don't "speak" CSS. This tells me that traditional graphic design and CSS are growing further apart and that there's room for CSS-first design tools."
- The rebellion will be federated -- Elena Rossini
"It is flagrantly obvious that the Fediverse with its independence and lack of algorithmic feeds is possibly the only safe and ethical online social media space one could be in right now."
- ongoing by Tim Bray · Why Not Bluesky
"If we're gonna judge social-network alternatives, here are three criteria that, for me, really matter: Technology, culture, and money."
- Foundations: types of disability - TetraLogical
"This post offers an overview of various disability types across four groups: seeing, hearing, moving, and thinking, and provides a brief exploration of what disability is, highlighting how permanent, temporary, or situational disabilities can affect us all."