Raindrop.io Bookmarks 11/10/2024
- What do survey demographics tell us? | OddBird
"There's been a lot of interest in the results of the annual State of CSS survey, but are we asking all the right questions?"
- 11 HTML best practices for login & sign-up forms--Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians' team blog
"even popular sites fail to implement the 11 best practices mentioned in this article, and thus have at least one mistake. So, read on, then check your forms and improve your UX by using HTML technologies the way they should be used."
- Your CSS reset should be layered
"When you place any styles inside a layer, these styles automatically have lower priority compared to all unlayered styles on the page. Think of it like an !unimportant block. You don't need to worry about specificity or order of stylesheets at all."
- Add content to the margins of web pages when printed using CSS | Blog | Chrome for Developers
"From Chrome 131 you can use CSS to add content to the margins of pages when they are printed. This post explains the page model for paged media, and how to use this feature to improve print output from your webpages."
- webcomponents/proposals/reference-target-explainer.md at gh-pages · WICG/webcomponents
"Reference Target is a feature to enable using IDREF attributes such as for and aria-labelledby to refer to elements inside a component's shadow DOM, while maintaining encapsulation of the internal details of the shadow DOM. The main goal of this feature is to enable ARIA to work across shadow root boundaries."
- Before you buy a domain name, first check to see if it's haunted | Bryan Braun - Frontend Developer
"So to summarize, I'm saying a domain name is "haunted" when something in its past gives it a poor reputation among search engines, affecting its ability to rank in search results, even after it changes ownership."
- VRTs - Visual Regression Tests | WordPress Plugin
"Say goodbye to manual checks. With automatic screenshot comparisons in WordPress."