Raindrop.io Bookmarks 09/22/2024
- drugs button popover - HTML Accessibility
"you have to hook up the popover content (by a means other than popovertarget) to the triggering element if you want the content to act as the accessible name for said trigger."
- Masonry and good defaults - Rachel Andrew
"Good defaults make things easier to teach. They point to what the layout method is designed for."
- Accessibility preference settings, information architecture, and internalized ableism - Eric Bailey
"People don't think of themselves as disabled, so they don't think the accessibility preference area applies to them."
- Selecting Previous Siblings - Frontend Masters Boost
"Consider what we've already done. We've proven we can select the next card after a selector. So what if we could say "if the next card is hovered, select me?". That's what we can do with :has() now in CSS."
- The open web, MIDI and assistive tech: State of the Browser 2024 | hidde.blog
"Steve very accurately explained some of the different types you'll find in standards meetings: there are well-meaning, argumentative, axe to grind, practical, clueless, old school, helpful, true-believing, revisionist and lurking type of people."
- The order of accessible name computation steps | Stefan Judis Web Development
"How can you check an element's accessible name? If you're not a screen reader user, pop open DevTools, and you'll find the accessibility information there!"