Raindrop.io Bookmarks 07/15/2024
- Exploring the challenges in creating an accessible sortable list (drag-and-drop) - The GitHub Blog
"Recently, our team worked to develop a solution for a more accessible sortable list, which we refer to as 'one-dimensional drag-and-drop.' In our first step toward making drag-and-drop more accessible, we scoped our efforts to explore moving items along a single axis."
- Beyond monospace: the search for the perfect coding font--Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians' team blog
"The magic of a good coding font all comes down to the design of a few specific characters. Since the function of those characters differs when used in code versus regular text, it makes sense to design them accordingly."
- @property: Next-gen CSS variables now with universal browser support | Blog | web.dev
"The @property rule, part of the CSS Houdini umbrella of APIs, is now fully supported across all modern browsers. This game-changing feature unlocks new levels of control and flexibility for CSS custom properties (also known as CSS variables), making your stylesheets smarter and more dynamic."
- Welcome to Thunderbird 128 "Nebula"
"Thunderbird's native Windows notifications are now fully functional. Clicking a notification will dismiss it, bring Thunderbird to the foreground, and select the relevant message. Notifications also disappear when Thunderbird is closed, ensuring a seamless experience."
- Going with the PDF Reflow - TPGi
"TPGi's advice to web authors, via our accessibility engineers, auditors and product managers, is that they must check that the PDF content they provide displays correctly when a user turns on Reflow."
- It's really this thing that gets me. - Chris Coyier
"Now you've got a big idea. You think technology itself can fix websites. You can literally fix the accessibility of websites with more code on the fly by injecting your own additional UI on top of the website."