Raindrop.io Bookmarks 05/10/2024
- Setting And Persisting Color Scheme Preferences With CSS And A "Touch" Of JavaScript -- Smashing Magazine
"Henry Bley-Vroman walks through a new possibility that leans into cutting-edge CSS, with minimal JavaScript to support persisting the user's color scheme preference across pages."
- Quick Tip: How to Align Column Rows with CSS Subgrid -- SitePoint
"In this quick tip, we'll look at how to use the subgrid feature of CSS Grid to align the content of boxes that sit side by side."
- Ableism and Related Terms You Need to Know - Meryl.net home
"Microaggressions are statements, actions, or incidents that are taken as subtle or unintended discrimination against individuals from a marginalized group."
- Accessible interactions in JavaScript apps | Epic Web Dev
"Sandrina pointed out the limitations of automated accessibility evaluation tools, noting their effectiveness decreases as the interactivity of a website increases. The importance of manual testing, such as keyboard navigation, was underlined to ensure a comprehensive understanding of accessibility."
- Using the Page Visibility API | MDN Blog
"This API exposes a way to determine a document's visibility state so you can check if a web page is "visible" or "hidden". This sounds straightforward, but pages can be "hidden" in several different ways."