Raindrop.io Bookmarks 05/01/2024
- Introducing axe Developer Hub, now available as part of axe DevTools for Web | Deque
"Firstly, we're making a minor naming change to axe DevTools HTML in favor of axe DevTools for Web. Second and much more importantly, we're including an incredible new feature with axe DevTools for Web - we call it axe Developer Hub."
- Own Your Web - Issue 14: Webmentions • Buttondown
"Without a doubt, it is okay to display the amount of likes and reposts a blog post receives on social media. But what about people's names, user names, and avatars?"
- Don't put crap in the design system | Brad Frost
"While crap is an unavoidable part of product design and development, it has no place in a design system. A design system is critical frontend infrastructure, therefore it needs to be sturdy, reliable, and dependable."
- When security and accessibility clash: why are banking applications so inaccessible? - Nic Chan
"While using different bank applications, I've noticed a disturbing trend where so-called 'security' features are actively making the website a more hostile experience for disabled users."
- Popover API is Here - Frontend Masters Boost
"The title attribute does nothing on mobile/touch devices or screen readers. You can't control anything about it, like how it looks, where it goes, or how long it takes to show up if it does at all."
- Why are my live regions not working? - TetraLogical
"Currently, the exact behaviour of live regions is arguably not very well explained in the ARIA specification, nor the Core-AAM specification. As a result, support can vary across different browser/screen reader combinations."