Raindrop.io Bookmarks 04/19/2024
- My "Skip to content" markup was breaking the back button on iOS · Dan Cătălin Burzo
"Turns out my Skip to content markup -- more specifically, the tabindex=-1 on the <main> element -- is what makes Safari scroll the <main> element's top edge into view when you return from a navigation."
- Oh Sh*t, My App is Successful and I Didn't Think About Accessibility
"Test the app on the largest a11y font, AX5. While, if you're not used to it, it might look comically large, there are people for whom this is the only way they can interact with your app."
- On authoring tools in EN 301 549 | hidde.blog
"ATAG, the Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines, is the standard that provides recommendations for both making authoring tools themselves accessible (part A), as well as the content they produce (part B)."
- Upgrading jQuery: Working Towards a Healthy Web | Official jQuery Blog
"After analyzing the results of a survey conducted by IDC, the OpenJS Foundation estimated that 90% of all websites use jQuery. And about a third of those use an outdated version."
- SpeedCurve | Five ways cookie consent managers hurt web performance (and how to fix them)
"In this post, I will cover some of the issues related to measuring performance with CMPs in place and provide some resources for scripting around consent popups in SpeedCurve."
- The invisible seafaring industry that keeps the internet afloat
"It hasn't changed in 150 years... The Victorians did it that way and we're doing it the same way."
- Dark Mode Email: Your Ultimate How-to Guide - Litmus
"Consider this your all-in-one hub to all things Dark Mode, including Dark Mode code and hacks developed by Litmus and the email community, and a list of helpful Dark Mode tools email geeks trust and use often."