Raindrop.io Bookmarks 04/15/2024
- When to use tabindex='0' - TetraLogical
"In cases where it must be applied, you must provide an appropriate role and an appropriate accessible name so that the reason that the content is focusable is made apparent to people using screen readers"
- vCard + RSS as an alternative to social media - nfraprado
"Now one interesting bit is that though the profile information on the vCard might get outdated, there is actually a SOURCE property which is meant to contain the URL where the latest version of the vCard can be retrieved."
- Understanding Interaction to Next Paint (INP) - Frontend Masters Boost
"As is the case with so many aspects of front-end performance, the key is knowing how JavaScript makes use of the main thread."
- Report: People are bailing on Safari after DMA makes changing defaults easier | Ars Technica
"Smaller web browsers are gaining traction in the European Union after the Digital Markets Act (DMA) started requiring designated gatekeepers like Google and Apple to make it easier to switch default web browsers on devices."
- 018: I love invokers and you should too • Buttondown
"Many sites, for example, introduce custom controls for File Uploads or dropdown menus. These often require a large amount of work to reintroduce the built in functionality of those controls, and often unintentionally sacrifice accessibility in doing so."
- Why Good Captioned Videos Are Important - Meryl.net home
"This series of side-by-side videos tell the story of why each rule of awesome captions matter."