Raindrop.io Bookmarks 03/17/2024
- Creating color palettes with the CSS color-mix() function | MDN Blog
"By storing the color-mix() values as custom properties, we can reuse them throughout our code. This approach can be useful when we want to create lighter or darker variants of a brand's primary color."
- Ruby is a complicated | Sarah Gebauer
"Ruby annotation is complicated in HTML and CSS specs, when it comes version of CSS specification that was last edited on 24 January 2024, a lot of examples are outdated."
- Brave, Mozilla, Vivaldi see browser installs rise on iOS • The Register
"Jon von Tetzchner, CEO of browser maker Vivaldi, told The Register in a phone interview that while the European Commission's intervention has been helpful, the results have been modest - and he expects further pressure will need to be applied to gatekeepers."
- You Want border-color: transparent, Not border: none - Frontend Masters Boost
"In the case of interactive form controls (inputs, textareas, buttons, etc.), those pesky borders were put there because they have an accessibility benefit when using High Contrast Mode, a feature used by 30.6% of low-vision users."
- Satellites are burning up in the upper atmosphere - and we still don't know what impact this will have on the Earth's climate | Space
"Atmospheric scientists who study this topic in detail have not made this jump as there isn't enough scientific evidence. We know particles from spacecraft are in the stratosphere. But what this means for the ozone layer or the climate is still unknown."
- How End-to-End Testing moves us closer to Continuous Accessibility
"Traditional E2E tests written without accessibility in mind implicitly rely on emulated mouse or touch gestures and selectors based on elements' visual appearance, as opposed to the programmatic appearance assistive technologies rely on"