Raindrop.io Bookmarks 03/04/2024
- On Nielsen's ideas about generative UI for resolving accessibility
"And it leaves an especially bad taste when it's suggested in the same breath as calling a proven, sustainable industry focused on compassion and inclusivity a "miserable failure"."
- Where I'm at on the whole CSS-Tricks thing - Chris Coyier
"A lot more people are pissed at DigitalOcean. People saying they'll never use them again, and generally upset they'd take such a useful asset and do nothing with it. A void in the industry that doesn't sit right."
- Retrofitting fluid typography | Clagnut by Richard Rutter
"In my experience it's easier to design using Utopian principles first rather than retrospectively."
- Why I use Firefox
"From the long-term perspective, however, monocultures inevitably lead to stagnation. It is our firm belief that more options in rendering engines will lead to more innovation and a healthier web ecosystem."
- So, what exactly did Apple break in the EU?
"How exactly Apple detects if you're in the EU isn't clear yet. It seems not to be based on the SIM operator, as some users claim they are affected even on SIM-less iPhones."
- Why is JavaScript fragile? | Go Make Things
"HTML and CSS are incredibly forgiving."
- accessibility darkness - HTML Accessibility
"What can I say, other than this is another example of bullshit accessibility, profit driven products, fueled by private equity companies."