Raindrop.io Bookmarks 10/09/2023
- The Future of Design Systems is Semantic | Figma Blog
"Variables are also communication tools, establishing a shared language between design and development. Design as a whole has been taking cues from code for years, but variables mark yet another step toward minimizing the gap between the two."
- In-Page Links for Content Navigation
"Most of our study participants, regardless of age, were familiar with in-page links. Only 2 out of 11 participants showed no engagement with in-page links when those were presented to them. Despite the familiarity, in-page links, when not formatted with intention, can still surprise users."
- Writing Accessible Form Messages - TPGi
"I want to focus here on the language and meaning of the words used to tell a form user what to do."
- Simplified Responsive Design Mode | WebKit
"So now, it's easy to jump into device simulators to try your site designs with the same full-fidelity experience as an actual device."
- Chrome 119 beta - Chrome for Developers
"The :user-invalid and :user-valid pseudo-classes represent an element with incorrect or correct input, respectively, but only after the user has significantly interacted with it."
- Obligatory WCAG 2.2 Launch Post -- Adrian Roselli
"If you are not aware, WCAG 2.2 became a W3C Recommendation (a standard) on 5 October 2023. That was about a year later than originally suggested. It would have been sooner but for some objections on two WCAG 2.0 and WCAG 2.1 Success Criteria."
- When to Nest CSS - Cloud Four
"As a rule, if a selector will work without being nested, then do not nest it. However, there are certain situations (such as pseudo-selectors and media queries) where nesting can make things easier to understand."
- New origin trial for fullscreen popup windows - Chrome for Developers
"This new feature is gated behind the window-management permission. Once the user has granted the permission, you can open a fullscreen popup window as in the following example."