Raindrop.io Bookmarks 09/19/2023
- Sustainability and Tech and Us · Jens Oliver Meiert
"As web professionals, we can choose differently about how wasteful we want us and our work to be."
- Ableist interactions | hidde.blog
"It's not new that accessibility advocates get hostile responses to reasonable requests (or when doing their job). But it's been a while since I've seen so many of those responses, so I wanted to take the opportunity to write down some common misunderstandings."
- The JS community on Twitter is dead.
"Isn't it curious that the only time the JS community on Twitter rallies around accessibility discussions is when they get to feel the victim for being "shamed" for not caring about accessibility? Strange how that works."
- What's New in DevTools (Chrome 118) - Chrome Developers
"The Lighthouse panel now runs Lighthouse 11. Most notably, this version removes legacy navigation and adds new accessibility audits and changes how the accessibility category is scored."
- Yeah, But is Tailwind a Cult Tho? | The Spicy Web
"as the seemingly never-ending debate over Tailwind CSS continues to rage on, some haters of Tailwind hurl accusations that Tailwind is a "cult" and überfans are responsible for perpetuating it."
- California AB 1757 is (currently) unfit for duty - Karl Groves
"There is no industry adopted, independently developed, validated certification process for accessibility. To date, all efforts to create one have failed."
- WebKit Features in Safari 17.0 | WebKit
"Safari 17.0 is currently available as a public beta on macOS Ventura, and macOS Monterey, and macOS Sonoma, and will be released on September 26th. Safari 17.0 is also available in the vision OS Simulator, where you can test your website by downloading the latest beta of Xcode 15, which supports the visionOS SDK."
- A (more) Modern CSS Reset - Andy Bell
"I wrote A Modern CSS Reset almost 4 years ago and, yeh, it's not aged overly well. I spotted it being linked up again a few days ago and thought it's probably a good idea to publish an updated version."