Raindrop.io Bookmarks 09/06/2023
- Design tool memory usage
"How do various design tools utilise memory? What's their baseline usage with no documents open? How does memory grow with lots of large documents open?"
- Equivalent experience can cut both ways - Eric Bailey
"We can, and should strive to make experiences that are not only operable by everyone, but also intuitive."
- What's new in Lighthouse 11 - Chrome Developers
"Since Lighthouse 10.0, 13 new accessibility audits have been added"
- How to Add a Visual Label to Web Content - Daniemon's Blog
"Because the generated content is supplementary, non-essential info, I find it acceptable if the CSS fails to load or be read out in edge cases."
- No one actually wants simplicity - lukeplant.me.uk
"The real test is the question "what are you willing to sacrifice to achieve simplicity?" If the answer is "nothing", then you don't actually love simplicity at all, it's your lowest priority."
- De-stress your UX: for mental health, accessibility, and mother nature | by Sandy Dähnert | Aug, 2023 | UX Collective
"Let's talk about how we stress our lovely users, how to create calm design and how relaxed design can benefit mental health, accessibility and our nature. Yeah, that's right. It will also be about how we can reduce our digital footprint with stress-free digital products."
- Dark Patterns vs. Nudging in UX Design | Envato Tuts+
"Nudging is about gently guiding people towards making better choices for society as a whole. It's about positively influencing behaviour, something many organisations aim to do for their customers, employees, and (again) society as a whole."