Raindrop.io Bookmarks 05/30/2023
- Accessibility overlays don't guarantee compliance with European legislation - European Disability Forum
"The European Disability Forum (EDF) and International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) have issued a joint statement clarifying the limitations of a technology known as 'accessibility overlay' - and warned that this technology does not make websites accessible or compliant with European accessibility legislation."
- Sass-like nesting in native CSS -- Amit Merchant -- A blog on PHP, JavaScript, and more
"To use CSS nesting, you must nest the selectors that only start with the following symbols: ., :, [, >, +, ~, #, *. That's because of how the browser parses the CSS."
- Mastering CSS Blend Modes | Koding Kitty
"Mix blend modes allows you to overlay images, text, and elements in general, applying various blending techniques such as multiply, screen, overlay, and more."
- The Rhythm of Your Screen - Christopher Butler
"Length is not the problem; lack of rhythm is. When you establish a structure, you can imbue that structure with rhythm. The rhythm of a structure is defined by the repetition of arrangements and the spaces between them."
- A Whole Lot of Bovver Over Hover - TPGi
"Providing a hover effect is little more than a nice-to-have, in my opinion. It can give page elements a lift, and provide a little extra hint that the thing that is under the mouse is interactive."
- Mobile Screen Reader Cheat Sheets | //TODO: Blog
"These cheat sheets are by no means exhaustive. Screen readers are complicated and how they are used even more so. There are far more comprehensive sheets out there, but I found them cognitively overwhelming."