Raindrop.io Bookmarks 05/04/2023
- View Transitions API: Creating Smooth Page Transitions
"The View Transitions API simplifies this process by providing an easier way to handle the required DOM changes and transition animations. With this API, developers can create seamless view transitions with less code and fewer accessibility issues."
- short note: why isn't role=presentation/none allowed on focusable elements? - HTML Accessibility
"The answer is, theses days, purely a function of implementation reality. It don't work on interactive elements or indeed any focusable elements, regardless of their semantics."
- Apple, Google partner on an industry specification to address unwanted tracking - Apple
"Today Apple and Google jointly submitted a proposed industry specification to help combat the misuse of Bluetooth location-tracking devices for unwanted tracking."
- CSS Naked Day and the Lost Wikipedia Page · Jens Oliver Meiert
"The purpose of the event is to advocate for improved maintainability through separation of concerns. Generally speaking, this is possible only if document structure is handled by HTML, and styling and design by CSS."
- Select all elemens between two class names
"Do you want to select all the elements between two different class names? Use the :not() selector to do it"
- Safari is the world's second most-used desktop web browser
"According to Statcounter, which measures the popularity of web browsers based on data collected from multiple websites, Safari is once again the second most popular web browser in the world."