Raindrop.io Bookmarks 03/09/2023
- Design-by-wire || Matthew Ström, designer-leader
"But pilots are still needed. Likewise, designers won't be replaced; they'll become operators of increasingly complicated AI-powered machines. New tools will enable designers to be more productive, designing applications and interfaces that can be implemented faster and with less bugs."
- An end to typographic widows on the web | Clagnut by Richard Rutter
"The text-wrap:balance declaration in CSS Text Module Level 4 says that line breaks should be chosen to balance out the line lengths in a block of text. How exactly that is done is 'UA-defined', in other words it's determined by the rendering engine rather than any specific rules or guidelines set in the CSS specifications."
- Adding sign language to videos - TetraLogical
"As part of our ongoing effort to meet the Web Content accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 and 2.2 Level AAA, we've created British Sign Language (BSL) versions of our video and created BSL playlists in our TetraLogical YouTube channel. In this post we explore our process for adding BSL to videos and share some tips."
- Microsoft's new Inclusive Design toolkit is designed for the brain
"Accordingly, the toolkit takes a broader approach to cognitive exclusion, which Mallon describes as a mismatch between cognitive load and cognitive demands (in other words, when the cognitive load required to complete a task is larger than one's ability to complete that task)."
- The Anatomy of a Good Design: An Analysis of 4 Sites
"Visually pleasing designs use consistent type styles and spacing, create a visual hierarchy, and utilize an underlying grid structure."
- Redefining Developer Experience -- Begin Blog
"To restate my proposition, I believe 'good developer experience' needs to be re-imagined as the enabling of developers to deliver reliable and first rate end user experiences -- for as many users as possible, and for as long as possible."