Raindrop.io Bookmarks 02/26/2023
- [TIL] CSS :readonly is not for select fields -- Anselm Hannemann
"You may ask why not use disabled instead? It has a couple of implications on user readability. For example, readonly values are selectable with a cursor while the disabled state disallows it. It has effects on accessibility as well and therefore does not feel appropriate."
- All About Iterative Design :: UXmatters
"Iterative design most frequently takes the form of rapid prototyping. When the industry started, the first manifestation of rapid prototyping occurred when manufacturers began using 3D printers to swiftly make parts and models for testing in the 1980s. Rapid prototyping has since gained popularity in various areas of product development, including software engineering and UX design."
- A nth-child CSS trick • Crinkles
"You might also think using :nth-child(n) would allow you to achieve the same, without all the custom properties. Unfortunately, the n is not useable in the calc() function. So, we use custom properties."
- How to Build Offline Web Applications - DEV Community
"One of the key features of PWAs is their ability to work offline. This is accomplished by caching static assets (such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files) and data on the user's device. There are several ways to store this information, including LocalStorage and IndexedDB."
- The JavaScript Site Generator Review, 2023--zachleat.com
"It's time again for every framework author's favorite: The JavaScript Site Generator Review, February 2023 edition."
- Software accessibility for users with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD) | by Eva Katharina Wolf | Feb, 2023 | UX Collective
"Choose a minimalistic design with only necessary information and don't overload the screen -- it's ok to scroll, not everything has to fit on one screen. But: too minimalistic can be understimulating"