Raindrop.io Bookmarks 02/07/2023
- W3C to Transition From University Affiliate to Nonprofit | Associations Now
"Accessibility, a key issue for W3C, takes multiple forms, including increasing the reach of the web to parts of the world that do not have it and ensuring that people with disabilities can access websites. One of W3C's most important endeavors is the Web Accessibility Initiative."
- ::backdrop doesn't inherit from anywhere | Kilian Valkhof
"Both the ::before and ::after pseudo elements behaved like this in the past though those got updated, and I'm not sure why the same hasn't been done for ::backdrop, it seems like an oversight."
- Special display of CHicK-2000 Human-Powered Aircraft with stressed skin wings for a female record attempt, on 4 - 19 Feb. 2023 ! | Japanese HPA
"CHicK-2000 HPA will be displayed in special exhibition room of "Misawa Aviation and Science Museum, Aomori" on 4 - 19 Feb.2023. This HPA had been displayed in the museum between 2008 to 2020. However, the HPA has been stored in shore house of the museum since 2020 due to re-structure display of the museum."
- The Guide To Responsive Design In 2023 and Beyond - Ahmad Shadeed
"The term "responsive" means a lot of things now. We have media queries that check for user preferences, and modern CSS features that help us make a fluid layout without even using a media query."
- Cascading Components -- A way to organize Figma component variants | by Bruno Temporim Carneiro | Jan, 2023 | Medium
"In this guide, I will share a method for structuring Figma components through nesting and organizing variants. This approach allows for easy modification and updates to components."
- Clever Code Considered Harmful
"One of the ways he's done this is by keeping the code at a pretty fundamental level; by using simple, basic constructs, it ensures that aspiring contributors can understand and contribute to the code, regardless of how much experience they have."
- NTIA calls for Changes to Boost Competition in Mobile App Markets | National Telecommunications and Information Administration
"The Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) said in a new report Wednesday that the current mobile app store model is harmful to consumers and developers, and recommended policy changes to fix it."
- 1411704 - Create a content_shell iOS port - chromium
"Bug to track creating a content_shell application that compiles in the necessary parts of blink, content, and components on iOS. This experimental application will be used to measure graphics and input latencies by providing traces for analysis."
- The loss of Twitter's free API tier is a blow to activists and researchers. | Mashable
"many users rely on Twitter API(Opens in a new window) for third-party services essential to making the site accessible -- and to ensure the online community stays engaged in conversation about digital accessibility."