Raindrop.io Bookmarks 12/01/2022
- CSS For URLs and HTTP Headers - Jim Nielsen's Blog
"Turns out, there is/was a @document at-rule -- proposed in CSS3, deferred to CSS4, seemingly deprecated now? -- which allows you to write styles applicable to specified URL(s)."
- Positioning notification messages with accessibility in mind | Christian Heilmann
"Users of assistive technology like screenreaders who can't see what's going on, don't get any information that we successfully copied something to the clipboard."
- Lazy loading images in HTML | Simon Willison's TILs
"you need to provide the size of the image (I used width= and height= attributes) in order for it to work! Without those your browser still needs to fetch the images in order to calculate their dimensions to calculate page layout."
- Apple Messages & Color Contrast | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
"Now I know why I always reach for my reading glasses when a text message pops up. That 2.17:1 ratio is below the WCAG 2.0 AA requirement of 4.5:1 and wayyyyy below the AAA level of 7:1."
- Color Formats in CSS - hex, rgb, hsl, lab
"So, all of the color formats we've seen so far have been around for many, many years. HSL was even supported way back in Internet Explorer 9 (released in 2011)!"
- The large, small, and dynamic viewport units
"This web feature is now available in all three browser engines!"