Raindrop.io Bookmarks 11/16/2022
- The State of Frontend in 2022 - by Gergely Orosz
"In the roundtable discussing what might change in 2023 for frontend, I noted that I expect to see more of a push to have a "unified" frontend team, which might be building a web experience using React, and a unified app using React Native."
- Taking cues from code
"as our teams continue to implement solutions for managing design complexity, we also need to find ways to protect the freedom needed to create great design. We should treat our design systems like products and listen to the people using them."
- CSS Ellipsis for Single-Line and Multi-Line Text
"To truncate multi-line text and add an ellipsis at the end of the last line use the experimental -webkit-box box model (don't worry it's supported in all major browsers)"
- Introducing iA Presenter, the story-based presentation app
"Focus on crafting a compelling story instead of designing fixed slides. Nudging text boxes and pinching in and out on your phones are a thing of the past. Tell a convincing story and use your words to move people. The design happens automatically."
- The History of Digital Accessibility
"In many ways, the Covid-19 Pandemic provoked a reevaluation of digital accessibility worldwide, as the need to convert so many aspects of life to online alternatives made abled people more aware of the challenges that persons with disabilities had been encountering for decades."
- Are you using an accessibility overlay to help disabled users? Don't!
"It would be great if all we had to do was enable an overlay, add one piece of JavaScript code to our websites, and "miraculously" make our content and products fully accessible to everyone online. But we can't. The technology is not there. The experience for disabled users is not there."
- The evolution of scalable CSS
"Not having to continually name things is one reason Tailwind feels so productive. This workflow is backed by the idea of composing single-purpose atoms bottom-up. From a maintainability perspective, it's a great way to avoid hasty abstractions."