Raindrop.io Bookmarks 11/10/2022
- Links may be less important to the Google Search ranking algorithm in the future
"Not only did John say that in the future links might be weighted less in the overall Google Search ranking algorithm, but he said that this has been already changing in the algorithm "quite a bit." So even today, links are not weighted as much as they once were in the overall ranking algorithm."
- 6 Steps to Improve HTML Images For Users & Developers
"Step 4: Start Questioning Life Choices"
- Minimal Dark Mode · Jens Oliver Meiert
"flip colors on everything except non-SVG images."
- Jamstack Community Survey Results 2022 | Jamstack
"Of those who expressed feelings about Web3, those who were negative about it (31%) slightly outnumbered those who were positive about it (28%). If we translate this into the satisfaction score we use elsewhere in the survey, it would be 0.9, and we would expect Web3 to lose usage share in the coming year."
- Position Statement for the 2022 W3C TAG Election - Lea Verou
"As someone not employed at a big tech company, I am not influenced by any particular company line. My only agenda is to lead the Web Platform to its full potential, and if re-elected, I'm willing to commit to spending the requisite hundreds of hours working towards that goal over the next two years."
- Dialogs, modality and popovers seem similar. How are they different? | hidde.blog
"The top layer is not new in the web platform, but the ability for developers to promote elements to it is. Web pages have just one top layer. Within the top layer, elements are painted in the order they are added to the top layer (so shuffling them around involves adding/readding them)."