Raindrop.io Bookmarks 09/23/2022
- Total Blocking Time: A Short and Sweet Guide for Happier Users - Calibre
"TBT is calculated like a running clock. Any time a single task exceeds a 50-millisecond threshold, the clock starts and runs until that task is finally complete. Total Blocking Time is the sum of these long tasks (minus each of their first 50 ms) that occur between First Contentful Paint and Time to Interactive."
- The False Trade-off Between Quality and Speed | by Mario Caropreso | Aug, 2022 | Medium
"My recommendation to avoid falling into the trap of making quality tradable is adopting a definition of speed that binds speed and quality together. The one that I have been using through the years is Sustained Velocity."
- What Makes A Great Toggle Button? (Case Study, Part 2) -- Smashing Magazine
"If you choose to use color as the main lead, we suggest you use a combination of a saturated lively color (ideally corresponding with your CTA color scheme) and a light grayscale neutral color."
- A Whole Cascade of Layers | Miriam Eric Suzanne
"I really enjoyed Dave Rupert's Modern alternatives to BEM, which concludes with a link to my redesign. So let's talk about my seven-layer burrito of styles - what he calls SBRDFLT. What's that all about?"
- Buttons and the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon - Manuel Matuzović
"We are terrible at labelling buttons. I understand that this can be confusing, because there are many different ways of getting the job done."
- Making Events Accessible - Checklist for meetings, conferences, training, and presentations that are remote/virtual, in-person, or hybrid | Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) | W3C
"This page helps presenters, participants, and organizers make events inclusive, particularly to people with disabilities. This benefits everyone, particularly international participants."