Raindrop.io Bookmarks 07/01/2022
- I'm Here - Zeldman on Web and Interaction Design
"All my life I've known I was "creative" and "different." Only recently have I realized that I'm both neurodivergent and bisexual."
- "That's not accessible!" and other statements about accessibility | hidde.blog
"In summary: yes, measuring web accessibility is somewhat subjective and claims like "X is accessible" or "X is inaccessible" are tricky."
- Dialogs and shadow DOM: can we make it accessible? | Read the Tea Leaves
"should everybody just switch over to <dialog>? Not so fast: it actually doesn't perfectly handle focus, per the WAI ARIA Authoring Practices Guide (APG), because it allows focus to escape to the browser chrome."
- Thunderbird 102 Released: A Serious Upgrade To Your Communication
"Using Thunderbird 91 and don't need an immediate upgrade? Your client should automatically update within the next few weeks as we gradually roll it out."
- Reflowing PDFs with Acrobat Reader? We tested the new feature - Fondazione LIA
"Even the reflow function is interesting but, from our point of view, still not satisfactory and, instead of helping, risks compromising the reading experience."
- Internet Explorer, we hardly knew ye
"Perhaps unsurprisingly, the United States has accounted for the largest volume of Internet Explorer 11 requests year-to-date. Similar to the global observation above, daily peak request traffic has declined by approximately one-third. With request volume approximately one-fourth that seen in the United States, Japan ostensibly has the next largest Internet Explorer 11 user base."
- Farewell to HTML5Rocks
"I'm off to register HTMLLivingStandardRocks.com..."