Raindrop.io Bookmarks 02/28/2022
- Fitts' Law In The Touch Era -- Smashing Magazine
"Now, with the shift to touch and mobile devices, we really must admit there is no place for such a rigid view of the world; we can predict, but must not assume, a lot of things about where users are, and how they work."
- When to Avoid the text-decoration Shorthand Property | CSS-Tricks - CSS-Tricks
"Keep in mind that when you set a shorthand property, e.g., text-decoration: underline, any missing parts in the value are re-initialized."
- The Middle-East languages inclusion manifesto
"Language direction is a fundamental aspect of visual communication in cultures worldwide. Therefore, humans should interact with machines and their interfaces in a natural way that goes with their direction of reading and writing in their culture."
- Trailing Slashes on URLs: Contentious or Settled?--zachleat.com
"Ideally, (speaking as the maintainer of Eleventy) folks working on developer tooling should craft tools to create output that uses existing conventions and can be portable to as many hosts in as many different hosting environments as possible."
- Everything Publishers Need to Know About URLs
"From the HTTPS protocol to a publisher's domain name all the way to the (lack of a) trailing slash, every part of a webpage's URL plays a role."
- Cascade layers are coming to your browser - Chrome Developers
"Cascade layers (the @layer CSS rule) are coming to Chromium 99, Firefox 97, and Safari 15.4 Beta."
- SPAs were a mistake | Go Make Things
"Announce the page load/content change to screen reader users (many SPAs also get this wrong)."