Raindrop.io Bookmarks 02/18/2022
- Get Chrome OS Flex for PC or Mac - Chrome Enterprise
"Chrome OS Flex is a free and sustainable way to modernize devices you already own. It's easy to deploy across your fleet or simply try it to see what a cloud-first OS has to offer."
- Polaris Program
"The Polaris Program is a first-of-its-kind effort to rapidly advance human spaceflight capabilities, while continuing to raise funds and awareness for important causes here on Earth."
- The State of JS 2021: Conclusion
"Back when the first State of JS survey took place, only 21% of you used TypeScript compared to 69% today. Whereas we used to joke about a new front end framework releasing every day, React and Vue have now been dominant for 6 years running. And the percentage of people reporting that "JS is moving too fast" is down from 59% to 38%."
- Version 100 in Chrome and Firefox - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
"Many libraries improved the parsing logic when browsers moved to two-digit version numbers, so hitting the three-digit milestone is expected to cause fewer problems."
- Major websites may stop working soon for Firefox and Chrome users | AppleInsider
"Nonetheless, Firefox and Chrome developers are running experiments, and also logging issues. Currently, the list of sites reporting bugs with a version 100 include T-Mobile, Yahoo, and Daimler."
- DevUtils.app - Offline Toolbox for Developers
"Powerful developer tools for your everyday tasks. Native macOS app, work offline, and respect your data."