Raindrop.io Bookmarks 10/10/2021
- Line length revisited: following the research
"The new research from Slattery's lab has updated our knowledge of eye movements in reading. Specifically, the studies have shown that we continue to read efficiently despite errors in locating the beginning of a new line."
- Ways People with Print Disabilities Read (W) | Inclusive Publishing
"A learning disability is a neuro-developmental condition that interferes with learning basic skills such as reading, writing or math and it is key for students to be able to develop reading strategies to cope with the challenges of learning."
- Conditional Border Radius In CSS - Ahmad Shadeed
"Why To Use 9999? It's not because this exact number has superpower or something. It's about avoiding an edge case."
- Designing Accordions: Best practices | by Roman Kamushken | Oct, 2021 | Prototypr
"Despite the fact that the elevation looks great on white and light gray surfaces, filling the expanded Accordion element's background with 8 to 12% opacity is a great addition."
- ARIA Spec for the Uninitiated: Part 2 | Deque
"The truth of the matter is that ARIA is only a spec. There's no guarantee that browser and assistive technologies are going to support all the roles, states, and properties that are specified, just the same way building codes don't always guarantee that a building is built properly."
- ARIA Spec for the Uninitiated: Part 3 | Deque
"The trick to ARIA is that It all starts with knowing HTML first, and then using ARIA to add additional information that HTML does not provide."