Raindrop.io Bookmarks 10/09/2021
- How Renault improved its bounce and conversion rates by measuring and optimizing Largest Contentful Paint
"The teams have identified a particularly strong correlation between a low Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) and favorable bounce rates and conversion rates, shown in the visualization below."
- Into the Personal-Website-Verse · Matthias Ott - User Experience Designer
"One day, Twitter and other publishing platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Medium will indeed die, like so many sites before them. And every time this happens, we lose most of the content we created and with it a fair amount of our collective cultural history."
- CMA presentation about browser choice on Apple's iOS, September 2021
"The idea that forbidding choice leads to greater security is extremely dubious."
- Stark: The suite of integrated accessibility tools for your product design and development team • Making the world's products accessible.
"Baked right into Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD and Google Chrome, watch how Stark makes designing with accessibility in mind easier than ever before."
- Understanding Logical Focus Order | DevYarns
"If you hide interactive elements, make sure you also remove them from the focus order. It can be confusing and disorienting for focus to go to hidden elements. Plus, someone might be able to interact with functionality in ways you didn't intend or expect."
- Understanding min-content, max-content, and fit-content in CSS - LogRocket Blog
"With intrinsic keyword values, we have the flexibility to present page content in the most appropriate ways. In this tutorial, we covered how to use the min-content, max-content, and fit-content keyword values with practical examples so you can start using them in your projects."