Raindrop.io Bookmarks 08/15/2021
- 'May be an image': what it's like browsing Instagram while blind - The Verge
"While automated image descriptions might eventually improve beyond the level of mistaking a woman in a wedding dress for some cats, they can't replace the human element."
- Accessible design from the get-go -- Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians' team blog
"Stay with us to see how a designer in charge of mockups can prime the interface for optimal accessibility with minimal effort."
- It is time to ditch the title "Evangelist" from Accessibility | by Ronise Nepomuceno | Jul, 2021 | UX Collective
"Evangelism, which comes from a Greek word meaning "giving good news" or "bringing a message from the angels", came to mean "the act of preaching" for about 2000 years."
- Google hits undo on Chrome browser alert change that broke websites, web apps • The Register
"Google has even implemented a four-month opt-in "reverse origin trial" that temporarily revives cross-origin prompts for Chrome users and gives developers retrofitting large web apps more time to find replacements for the exiled API methods."
- CSS Architecture and Performance in Micro Frontends · allegro.tech
"We came to the conclusion that it would be ideal if instead of serving bundles containing a predefined list of components, we could send one composed of just the files that were actually required to render a certain page."
- How To Build Resilient JavaScript UIs -- Smashing Magazine
"Preventing errors is better than responding to them (code defensively)"