Raindrop.io Bookmarks 02/21/2021
- Balancing Flexibility and Productivity in Your CMS | Sean C Davis
"your code should be built on top of the most flexible case. In other words, build a flexible page system in your code. And then use that system to create templates as needed"
- A quick guide to page and column floats in Prince 14
"Prince is a HTML-to-PDF-via-CSS converter. Prince 14 adds a nice bouquet of CSS properties to better support the placement of figures and ads. Before reading up on the technical solutions below, you may want to look at the gallery."
- aullah/quickmenu: The new era of mobile navigation for the web, we're out of hamburgers.
"The new forward-thinking standard of mobile navigation for the web, providing an unparalleled user experience. Everything is in thumb's reach. No need to stretch or use a second hand to open a hamburger menu."
- Accessing hardware devices on the web
"The goal of this guide is to help you pick the best API to communicate with a hardware device (e.g. webcam, microphone, etc.) on the web."
- About this website | LOW←TECH MAGAZINE
"This website is a solar-powered, self-hosted version of Low-tech Magazine. It has been designed to radically reduce the energy use associated with accessing our content."
- Web Frameworks: Why You Don't Always Need Them - The New Stack
"With the emergence of modular JavaScript and (more recently) Web Components in the leading browsers, you can build surprisingly sophisticated apps now without necessarily needing a framework."
- Design system components, recipes, and snowflakes | Brad Frost
"My rule of thumb is that teams should default to thinking about things as a design system component. Creating component libraries embraces a "think globally, act locally" mentality."
- conwnet/github1s: One second to read GitHub code with VS Code.
"Just add 1s after github and press Enter in the browser address bar for any repository you want to read."