Raindrop.io Bookmarks 01/28/2021
- The Minimum Content Size In CSS Grid
"The fix is to let the browser know that we need to set a minimum fixed size instead of auto. We can do this using the minmax() function."
- My stack will outlive yours
"You don't need Wordpress, or Hugo to put a blog online, or Angular, React or Next.js to put a web page online. Raw HTML and CSS do the job."
- Understanding Social Digital Responsibility | Mightybytes
"In this post, we explore how Social Digital Responsibility practices can improve an organization's relationships with people, communities, and society overall."
- Welcoming Open Web Docs to the MDN family - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
"Open Web Docs (OWD) is an open collective, created in collaboration between several key MDN partner organizations to ensure the long-term health of open web platform documentation on de facto standard resources like MDN Web Docs, independently of any single vendor or organization."
- Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 119 | WebKit
"Added support for aspect-ratio on positioned elements"
- The unreasonable effectiveness of simple HTML - Terence Eden's Blog
"the GOV.UK pages are written in simple HTML. They are designed to be lightweight and will work even on rubbish browsers. They have to. This is for everyone."
- ISO - ISO/IEC 23761 - Digital publishing -- EPUB accessibility -- Conformance and discoverability requirements for EPUB publications
"Status : Under development Publication date : 2021-02"