Raindrop.io Bookmarks 10/16/2020
- Custom Properties: Questioning :root · Jens Oliver Meiert
"Therefore, unless you're working in an environment in which style sheets serve several document types (and roots) at the same time, question the use of :root, for custom properties. It could be argued to be an anti-pattern for HTML. Be more specific."
- Design Systems For Figma: Bringing Context To Design Systems
"Context is critical for teams using design systems. Without it, they either force fit user needs into components that don't scale or surrender to the technical debt of making everything from scratch. Both of these approaches create more silos than collaboration, and exacerbate institutional amnesia."
- ooooops I guess we're* full-stack developers now | CSS-Tricks
"It's cool to see the tech around our job evolve to the point that we can reach our arms around the whole thing. It's worthy of some concern when we feel like complication of web technology feels like it's raising the barrier to entry."
- The Widening Responsibility for Front-End Developers | CSS-Tricks
"Being a front-end developer requires a haystack of skills that grows and grows. It's the natural outcome of the web getting bigger. More people use the web and internet access grows. The economy around the web grows. The capability of browsers grows. The expectations of what is possible on the web grows."
- The --var: ; hack to toggle multiple values with one custom property - Lea Verou
"whitespace is valid in every CSS property value, everywhere a var() is allowed, and does not affect its computed value in any way."
- Naming Tokens in Design Systems. Terms, Types, and Taxonomy to Describe... | by Nathan Curtis | EightShapes | Oct, 2020 | Medium
"Principle: Avoid homonyms. Even top-level categories trigger difficult choices."
- Vespera: The new way to observe the universe by Vaonis -- Kickstarter
"Smart and fully automated, it is a revolution in the world of Astronomy. We completely redesigned the experience of observation by opting for the most comfortable eyepiece: your mobile device combined with our app."