Raindrop.io Bookmarks 08/13/2020
- PDF: Still Unfit for Human Consumption, 20 Years Later
"Research spanning 20 years proves PDFs are problematic for online reading. Yet they're still prevalent and users continue to get lost in them. They're unpleasant to read and navigate and remain unfit for digital-content display."
- Don't design for mobile · Matt And Design
"The latest mobile devices are far more powerful than your average laptop or desktop. There are more and more hybrid devices which work with both touch and mouse. Are tablets mobile or desktop? Or are they a new category altogether?"
- The cult of the free must die - QuirksBlog
"I see the cult of the free as the web's original sin. To my mind it's an essentially random historical development that could have gone quite differently, but, once the idea of everything on the web being free took root, became a cultural touch point that is almost impossible to dislodge."
- Chapter 2: Browsers | CSS-Tricks
"You had to use the web to download a web browser, but you needed a web browser to use the web. Groff found a clever solution. He built a simple mechanism that allowed users to telnet in to the NeXT server and browse the web using its built-in Line Mode Browser."
- Accessibility In Chrome DevTools -- Smashing Magazine
"Web developer tooling to improve accessibility has improved rapidly over the years, but sometimes these tools are hidden away or simply undocumented. In this article, we explored some of those features which can hopefully help us when applying accessibility best practices to the websites we build."
- Chromium Blog: Helping people spot the spoofs: a URL experiment
"Different browsers approach this challenge in a number of ways, including showing only the domain by default, or visually highlighting the registrable domain (the "most significant" part of the domain name). In Chrome 86, we're likewise going to experiment with how URLs are shown in the address bar on desktop platforms"
- How I Structure My CSS (for Now) · Matthias Ott - User Experience Designer
"In this post, I will share my current take on CSS structure. It does not religiously follow any particular methodology, although people familiar with Harry Roberts' ITCSS ("Inverted Triangle CSS") will definitely recognize parts of his methodology."