Raindrop.io Bookmarks 07/05/2020
- Grid for layout, Flexbox for components
"I used grid-area because it's supported only in the new CSS grid spec, from March 2017 till today. Since IE doesn't support @supports query, the whole rule will be ignored. As a result, the new CSS grid will be used for supporting browsers only."
- Responsive Styling Using Attribute Selectors | CSS-Tricks
"We can get a better overview and avoid implementation prefixes by grouping attribute selectors instead of actual classes"
- 33 Web Development Terms You May Not Have Heard Of · Jens Oliver Meiert
"Web Development has its own, special vocabulary that easily consists of several thousand terms. Even if you're an experienced developer you're unlikely to know all of them."
- Fractal
"Powerful component libraries & styleguides that fit the way you work."
- 47 Key Lessons for UI & UX Designers - UX Collective
"As opposed to 5, for example, on a device with a 1.5x resolution, odd numbers won't render correctly."
- DEVONtechnologies | DEVONagent, a smart web (re)search assistant for the Mac
"Give your research a boost with the smartest search assistant for the Mac. DEVONagent searches multiple sources and frees you from manually sorting the wheat from the chaff. With its scheduled searches it even keeps you updated on what's going on in the world."